Greatly Done!
You combined different genres of game that worked well with each other. I liked the way how you made the moves of the attacks run smoothly with each other, espeically when all the dart-ropes were flying across the screen, and how Ryu was dodging them with his Tatsumaki-Sepku-kayku (or something close to it XD)
The only 2 problems, and another small one, I had with this was:
1. Ryu's name last name hasn't been offically anounced if it WAS Hoshi or not, but I'm still skeptical that it isn't...but who knows? ^_^
2. Sakura is still a lot younger than Ryu, but, I guess you're not really following canon anyway, right? XD Good use of Sprite though!
and half of my problem is, I believe it would have been a bit better if it was Either Ken, seeing as how Sakura went to tell Ken. If it were Akuma, I thought that it would have been cooler if he came in with the Raging Demon(Shun Goku Satsu). . .
Either way, Well done! I'm glad I watched it!