I've seen all of your drawings thus far that you've submitted onto Newgrounds, and I must say that the Rockman series are my favorite submissions. Looking at this drawing brings me back to the intro for X4 when they show him doing his charge shot and switching the angles three times.
What I also liked about this drawing was that the entire drawing was done with some sort of blue (not counting his ears and crest). I REALLY liked how you drew his foot in the crater that he made, emphasizing the power of his shot.
All in all, this is my favorite piece of yours so far. I'll be looking forward to your future drawings, and I hope that I get to see some cross over pictures, X with Megaman back to back, or the two Zero's back to back, or even Protoman covering Megaman's back a la X4's game cover. I can't wait to see more of your work, and I hope there'll be a lot more Protoman (Hell, all of the characters!) to come.
Please, keep up the fantastic work!